Reporters who cover UFO-related topics know the risks of pursuing a subject that has been scorned and ridiculed for decades. Intrepid journalists know they risk their professional credibility, but there are other less obvious downsides. In this episode of Weaponized. Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp converse with two journalists who have been on the receiving end of unscrupulous and underhanded slams and insults. Chris Sharp, editor of The Liberation Times, shares details about his explosive reports looking into a multi-agency operation that pursues non-human technology in the world's ocean. Who is pulling the strings on USO secrecy? And Washington DC based congressional reporter Matt Laslo provides an update on the UAP Disclosure Act, which may NOT be dead after all. Both Sharp and Laslo say they have been targeted by trolls and provocateurs and why they are still hopeful that upcoming Congressional hearings can move the UAP subject forward.
Follow Chris Sharp's work on X at and his publication at
Follow Matt Laslo's work on X at and his publication at
Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI HERE.
Reach out to Corbell and Knapp at